Thursday, 3 May 2007

PHP: line of code only meant for internet explorer

Looking at my site in Firefox and in IE I saw a difference in the layout where I had text followed by a <DIV>.

Internet Explorer does not have a standard margin between the text and the DIV. So I had to find a way of adding space between them only in IE, not in the other browsers like Firefox.

The solution was that I added this line between the text and the <DIV>:

If IE reads this it will include the <p> tag, the other browsers will see it as comment and not display it.

You can also use this trick to hide comments (see older post). Just make sure you do not put dashes (like '-----') as the comment, this will invalidate the next line where you use this trick. So I used '****' instead in my comments to clearly mark pieces of coding.

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